Here is a blog and an article I found about wrinkles, eye problems, and tips on how to avoid them. Feel free to go over the two!
Eye Care Beauty - Kitchen Remedies
If you run out of your favorite eye cream, or waiting for the next delivery, you can't just get through the days without doing anything to maintain your skin's health. These regimens can help assist your eye creams, and the best of all, they're all natural, straight from your kitchen.
Anit-Aging Skin Care
Everyone of us tries to preserve our healthy looking skin by using various anti aging skin care products. Our busy lifestyle can cause stress and can lead to aging. This is the reason why most women are more concerned with their appearance and are willing to invest more money on a skin care product.
Repair Sun Damaged Wrinkles Sun damage is one of the greatest causes of eye wrinkles, dark spots on the eyes, and basic skin damage. The sun and the damage it produces on the skin is actually easily avoided by sun block and hats, but unfortunately, as children, we don’t really realize these, nor do our parents. Thus, we end up with minor wrinkles and discolorations even during our 20’s. The good news is, as easily as it is avoided, given that the sun damage is not as extreme as hoped, it can be repaired slowly.